Welcome to My Honors Project!

Sydney Dahiyat
2 min readFeb 9, 2021


Hi there! I’m Sydney, a University of Washington Public Health-Global Health B.S. candidate completing a departmental honors Ad Hoc project for the class ANTH 311: The Cultural Politics of Diet and Nutrition.

I began at the UW as an Environmental Science and Resource Management major because I cared about the environment and wanted to fight climate change (still do). Although I had a deep interest in the hard sciences, it quickly became clear to me that social sciences were an integral piece of the climate puzzle. I began developing an interest in epidemiology and the health impacts of global warming. I applied to the PH-GH major in hopes that I could explore multiple disciplines across the board. After making the difficult decision to switch majors, I became fascinated with global health and never looked back. Currently, my interests lie at the intersection of public health, climate policy, and human health.

Statement of Purpose

I intend to explore regenerative agriculture, food systems, nutrition, and social movements to enhance my understanding of public health. As an intern for 21 Acres Farm in Woodinville, WA, I have a vested interest in understanding food sovereignty movements so that true principles of equity can be applied to our produce distribution network. Instead of doing a research report, which I have done multiple times in the past, I decided to try something new: posting publicly and personally. Having never even heard the term “Agroecology” before, my entire Winter 2021 quarter has somehow been consumed by these food system topics. My posts are simply a documentation of my learning where I also hope to incorporate some reflection.



Sydney Dahiyat

Public Health-Global Health B.S. candidate at the University of Washington. Diving into topics of food systems and climate change for my honors Ad Hoc project.